Friday, October 2, 2009

It's a Chicken Noodle Soup kind of Night...

**This post is mainly a recipe....if you care nothing about it, you can just scroll to the bottom to see the video of our sweet girl! ;) **

Here in the Tippins' Household it's a chicken noodle soup kind of night. I love to make a big pot of chicken noodle soup and then we can eat it for days! There are only a few things that I actually like to eat as "leftovers" and this is one of them! Food poisoning is high on my list of fears, so I am vigilant about making sure food is fresh.... (unlike Jeffrey who will eat things waaaaaay past their expiration date, as far as I'm concerned. This makes me feel more than a little anxious. He will then pretend to have some sort of upset stomach from the past due food (being the sweetheart that he is) which in turn sends me into full on panic.....but that is another story for another day!)

Anyway, back to the chicken noodle soup.

I like to make things that are quick and easy and this recipe is definitely one of them (it is also very inexpensive - even better!) It is reminiscent of chicken 'n dumplings (which I looooove) because it is a thicker consistency than regular chicken noodle soup (just minus the dumplings).

You will need:
4-5 chicken breasts (boiled and shredded)
2-3 cans chicken broth
2-3 cans cream of chicken soup
1 package of wide egg noodles
salt and pepper to taste

Mix 2 cans chicken broth, 2 cans cream of chicken, egg noodles and 2 "cans" of water (just fill up one of the soup cans...) in a large pot
Add the shredded chicken.
Bring to a boil, then let simmer until warm throughout and noodles are soft
The rest is really personal preference. We like our soup to be of a thicker consistency, so I generally add another can of cream of chicken and then just add water or chicken broth as needed.

Easy, right?!

We also like to make some grilled cheese sandwiches to go with our soup (yes, that is a little juvenile, but we don't care.....and yes, we do cut them into squares - ha!)

Hope you enjoy and let me know if you have any questions or if you decide to try it!

And because I haven't posted any pictures in two days (*gasp*...sorry, mom and dad!)
Here is a video of our sweet girl and what she thinks she is having for "dinner"

Happy Friday!