Monday, January 18, 2010

Date Night

Saturday night was "Date Night!" 

We have not done the greatest job of making time for just the two of us lately, so we decided it was time to get back on track with our date nights.  My parents came over to watch Libbi, and Jeffrey and I left to go to dinner (it is SUCH a blessing to have grandparents (and Auntie Mannie and Uncle Justin) that live nearby and are willing to watch our baby girl!)

We took a few pictures before leaving. Jeffrey refused to let me bring my "nice" camera on our date....he says it's embarrassing when I take 1,000 pictures in public. I did manage to sneak my little camera into my purse, but lo and behold....the battery was completely no photo documentation from this point forward =(

We went to my FAVORITE restaurant: Stoney River....I love it! We both had delicious steaks and ate way too much.  We laughed and talked and had the best time at dinner.  We are definitely getting old, though.  Our reservations were at 5:00....we just missed the "early bird" special - ha!

After we ate, we went bowling.  That's right....bowling!  I was a little worried that the crowd would be kind of "rough" at the bowling alley on a Saturday night (no offense to you bowlers out there) but then Jeffrey reminded me that it was only 7:00 so it was highly unlikely that any sketchy activity would be going on.  We did come across a group of little girls at a birthday party, but that was about the extent of any "gang activity" that we saw going on at the bowing alley.

We bowled two games. 

It only took me six frames to hit a pin. 

Let's just say I'm not signing up for a bowling league any time soon...  Jeffrey on the other hand was MUCH better!  He even bowled a turkey (which I'm told is pretty impressive). 

Our bowling names were "J-Moo" and "A-Smoo."  Don't ask me why.....
Jeffrey was typing in our names and he wanted to type out "J-Smooth" for his name and "A-Smooth" for mine, but his vision is so bad he couldn't even see that some of the letters hadn't shown up....bless him. 

After our two games of bowling, we were totally exhausted (it was 8:15 after all....) so we headed home...but not before stopping by Chick-Fil-A to pick up milkshakes for "the babysitters."  We laughed at ourselves, because it was seriously 8:15 and we were both sooo tired. 

When we got home, Libbi was in bed snoozing away....I guess she wasn't too worried about waiting up on us.  However, Sleeping Beauty did make sure to wake up and let us know how much she missed us around 12:30AM, and again at 2AM, and again at 3:30AM....;0)

Even though it was hard to leave our girl at home, I know that date nights are a MUST for us.  We had the best time and really enjoyed being out together. 

Thanks, Jeffrey - you were a great date...I hope you'll ask me out again soon! ;0)