It was surely "Not Me!" who got in my car at 7:45 am this morning to go to

I did NOT go to the grocery store for the first time in I don't know how has NOT been so long since I have bought groceries that I could have given Old Mother Hubbard a run for her money....
Our cupboards were NOT so bare, that I did NOT eat chips and salsa for breakfast two mornings in a row. I did NOT consider this a complete meal because it consisted of fruits, vegetables, and grains...
Libbi did NOT just start sleeping in her crib. She has NOT been in a pack-n-play in our bedroom since she was born. I did NOT start out saying she would only sleep in our room for six weeks....those six weeks did NOT turn into six months...I could NOT have easily let those six months turn into six years...
It was NOT slightly traumatic for me (NOT HER!) to move her over to her own room. She has NOT slept like a champ every other night since being in her own room. I am NOT stumped as to why she sleeps well some nights and not others....
I have NOT enjoyed 2 1/2 glorious weeks at home with my sweet girl. I do NOT have to go back to work tomorrow....I am NOT dreading it one little bit.... ugh, Not Me! ;0)
Finally, do you remember that delicious gift that I received for Christmas? The one that I posted about here?? Well, it most certainly is NOT completely empty and surely has NOT been that way since last week! I would NEVER eat cookies for breakfast every. single. day. No way, Not me!
Happy 1st Monday of 2010!