Monday, March 8, 2010

Mommy and Me Monday...

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn
Here is week two of "Mommy and Me Monday."  I honestly made a little more of an effort to get some pictures of Libbi and me this week....and I got all of two....well, there were a little more than two, but I don't really count it if you take more than one of the exact same shot. 

The first shot(s) are from last Friday.  It was "Dr. Seuss Day" at school, so I dressed up like "Horton" and Libbi wore her little Horton onesie.  Really, it was just an excuse to wear sweats to school instead of dressing up - ha!  Before I left for school that morning I asked Jeffrey, "Do I look like an elephant???" Bless his heart, he honestly did NOT know how he was supposed to answer that question!  This is the one and ONLY time that he should have to think about his answer (and in case you were wondering, the correct answer would have been - yes, but an incredibly fashionable and beautiful elephant :))

This second picture is from Saturday afternoon.  It was the first pretty day in a while.  Jeffrey had taken Libbi outside with him and of course I followed with the camera (and a hairbow - ha ha!)  We tried our hardest to get a picture of Libbi smiling, but honestly there was just waaaaaay to much for her to look at.  That girl's head was on a swivel!  

Here's a few more picture just for fun....
I am hoping that this is not a sign of things to come, BUT....I set Libbi down in the grass for a quick picture.  It was the first time she had ever been out in the grass (without snow covering it).  Unfortunately, I think she may be taking after her momma.....
It looks like she may not be the "outdoorsy" type - oops! :0) 

And finally, just because it's one of my faves......