Monday, May 31, 2010

long weekend...

Happy Memorial Day!  We are back from the Lake a little earlier than expected...the weather didn't cooperate with us :( 

A good night's sleep and sunshine were no where to be found, but a good book and fun times with the fam were definitely on the agenda!  I can honestly say that I'm coming home just as pale as I was when we left (what's a girl gotta do to get a little color?!) and unfortunately, I may be a pound or two heavier due to all the delicious food we ate and the fact that I never once had to get into a bathing suit!

We had high hopes for Libbi to enjoy the lake since both Jeffrey and I do, but she didn't seem too keen on the actual "lake experience."  It could have been the fact that she resembled Chris Farley's "Fat Guy in a little Coat" while she was in her life jacket or a distant relative of Jaba the Hut. Needless to say, she enjoyed playing on the boat more than she actually liked riding on it.  Maybe she was just a little too upset about not being able to get her tan on or being able to sport her red, white, and blue bikini for Memorial Day (I tried to tell her that she still has the 4th of July, but she wasn't having it).

 Libbi's Top 5 Lake Fave's:
1. swinging (can you blame her? look at that view!)
2. eating
3. walking around
4. playing peek-a-boo
5. hanging out with her momma and daddy
Libbi's Top 5 Not So Fave's:
1. boat rides...or at least the life jacket she was made to wear during the boat ride.
2. sleeping
3. long car rides
4. rainy days
5. not getting to show off her bikini body that she's worked so hard for ;0)

We're back home today just enjoying the Memorial Day Holiday and trying to get all the laundry and unpacking done.  I can't believe that LAST YEAR on Memorial Day we were celebrating, but not with our sweet girl!  It's hard to imagine what our life was like without her.  This is a picture of Jeffrey and I last Memorial Day....please, no comments on my size or his hair - ha! ;)

Since Jeffrey is golfing today, us girls might try to get in a little bit of shopping...after all, we do have a first birthday to get ready for....only 23 more days!
Happy Memorial Day!

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn