Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dear Libbi...

Sweet Libbi Jane,
Last night you went to bed 364 days old...
...and today you woke up as a ONE YEAR OLD!
I cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by!  It's hard for me to describe the love I have for you, because I just don't feel like I have the words to do it justice. Never in a million years could I have imagined the way that you would capture my heart.  You have completely changed our lives and it is a blessing every day!
I believe with my whole heart that God put me on this earth to be your momma...and what a gift that is!  Each day brings a new challenge, a new lesson, and a new joy.  It is the most amazing experience to watch you grow and change day by day. We are so thankful that we get to be your parents.  
Not a day goes by that I don't cover you in prayer.  We thank God for your health and your happiness.  We thank Him for choosing us to be your parents.  We thank Him that you were fearfully and wonderfully made.  We also fervently pray for your future and we bring our desires for you before the Lord.  Your Daddy and I pray that you will grow in wisdom and truth.  We pray that you will have a heart for the Lord and a heart for others.  Our greatest desire is for you to know Him so that we may spend eternity in Heaven together.  We pray that you will know that as much as your Daddy and I love you (and believe me, that's a whoooooole lot!)....God loves you more!
Libbi Jane, our lives were forever changed one year ago today.  On June 22, 2009, I had no idea what the next year would hold. I have loved every last second of the past 365 days.  Every late night, early morning, sleepless night, nap-less day, doctor's appointment, every extra pound of baby weight, every sweet smile, every precious laugh, temper tantrum, teething episode, every bath, every dirty diaper, every extra load of laundry....I wouldn't trade those moments for anything in this world!  You are my joy and I am forever grateful that I get to be your Momma! 

 Thank you for giving us one of the best years of our lives....we can't wait to see what year two has in store!

We love you, Sweet Girl!!!
Momma (and Daddy, too!)

Psalm 45:11 "The King is enthralled by your beauty; 
       honor him, for He is your Lord."

....I will put your "12 month post" up tomorrow with all your "stats" after we go to the dr.