Sunday, June 20, 2010

father's day...

I was born on Father's Day 28 years ago....and I think that pretty much sealed my fate of being a "Daddy's Girl" ;)
My dad is the funniest man I know.  He has always made me laugh. always.
He is a gentle spirit that loves his family and the Lord. He works hard...too hard if you ask me ;)  He cries when he prays, loves to hug (and rub your back), and he still asks us if he matches (he's colorblind).  He loves to sing the Star Spangled Banner (on voicemails and tape recorders), he used to leave me notes before school (that I still have!) and he tells the best stories (sometimes true...sometimes not).  My dad loves my mom. He loves his kids. He loves his granddaughters. My dad loves Jesus.  
Thank you Dad for leading by example.  You are one of the reasons it is so easy for me to believe in a Heavenly Father that is kind and forgiving.  I love you! Happy Father's Day!

Jeffrey is the love of my life and Libbi's hero :)  He makes us laugh every day.  He loves to chase Libbi around the house.  He likes to show her how to get into "trouble" but not too much trouble.  He works so hard so that I can stay home and care for our sweet girl.  Being a daddy has softened his heart.  There's just something about that little girl that melts him every time....
He makes up the words to songs, loves to give "sugars" and he likes when I pack him a lunch.  He has big dreams for Libbi, a heart full of love, and a passion for golf that I can only try to understand :)
Jeffrey loves me, he loves Libbi, and he loves the Lord.  What a blessing to know that our daughter will grow up with such a wonderful example of a husband and a father.  
Thank you Jeffrey for being the BEST daddy!  Libbi adores you and so do I!
I love you more than ever!  Happy First Father's Day (sorry you had to share it with me this year my bday will fall on a different day!)