Tuesday, July 6, 2010

ronald mcdonald...

when we celebrated libbi's first birthday, we asked all of our guests to bring items for the atlanta ronald mcdonald house in lieu of gifts.  we feel like we have been blessed with SO much that we want to give to others in return. jeffrey and i believe that it is incredibly important for libbi to learn the value in selflessly giving to others.  our desire is for her to have a heart for those in need and to give out of love. 

for those of you that are not familiar with the ronald mcdonald house, it is a wonderful organization.  there are two rmh houses in the atlanta area.  the goal of the ronald mcdonald house is to offer families a way to stay together while their child is receiving treatment for an injury or illness.  the family can stay at the house (for little or no cost) in close proximity to the treatment hospital, and be comfortable and cared for during the day. 

i still remember visiting the rmh in atlanta to volunteer when i was in the children's ministry at church.  it was a very eye-opening experience even as a young child....one that i hope libbi will be able to experience and learn through one day when she's older.

even though she is too young to understand right now, we want to begin to instill these values in her and pray that she will one day become a "cheerful giver" as the bible says we ought to be. (2 corinthians 9:7)

We are so blessed that so many of our friends and family love our baby enough to help us teach her how to love others.  we were incredibly touched by the outpouring of donations that our guests brought to the party (and still some gifts for libbi, too!)  jeffrey, libbi, and i made a trip out to the ronald mcdonald house on monday to drop off all the goodies! ...and, i have to admit.....it was REALLY hard for libbi to let go of some of those boxes - sweet girl, was SUPER attached to those peanut butter crackers :)

it was a wonderful trip and one that we hope we can make many more times in the future.  thank you to all of our friends and family that gave so selflessly!  if you would like to learn more about the ronald mcdonald house or how you can help the chapter in your area, visit rmhc.org.

and on a TOTALLY unrelated note....on the way home, we passed a place called "buddy's" - and it made me think of my dad.  i just had to take a picture :)

and even better....we also passed a DODGE SHADOW.  basically a classic car in my book - ha!  this was the sweet ride that jeffrey picked me up in on our very FIRST date back in the summer of 1996.  is there any question why i married him?!?!
....and i'm preeeeetty sure that the car we passed was not equipped with clarion 5x7's. look 'em up if you don't know what they are (i didn't!)  they had some serious thump. ;0)

"she opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy."
Proverbs 31:20