Wednesday, July 21, 2010 two

Today was a lot like yesterday.

Libbi pretty much walked around like she owned the place...

...and preferred the indoors to the outdoors.
(3/4 of the pictures we have look like this, because she is CONSTANTLY moving!)

That girl is a mess! ;0)

We stuck to the tried and true routine from the previous day:
beach for 15 minutes, pool for 5, lunch...and then Libbi passes out, I lay out, and Jeffrey "vegges" out ;0)
We went to one of our favorite restaurants to eat tonight and Libbi did pretty good.  She didn't sleep through dinner like she did last night, but she did make it though almost the entire meal before she and I had to make a quick exit for a change of scenery.

Overall we had a really relaxing day that totally wore us out - ha!  We are all going to bed early tonight.  

Lesson of the Day:
Libbi would rather look ANYWHERE than AT the camera. ;0)