Wednesday, August 4, 2010

30 day blog journal: day 4....

Today's Topic in the 30 day blog journal is :

Favorite Book

Since I posted yesterday about my love of all things might be surprised to learn that I equally (if not more so) LOVE.TO.READ!  I have always, always been a bookworm. Unfortunately, I am married to the total opposite of a bookworm (unless you count tracking "fantasy football" stats as "reading") so there are no book clubs going on in our house. :)  It always blows Jeffrey's mind that I can cry, laugh, and become so absorbed in a book!

I guess I am probably cheating, because I am not going to be able to narrow it down to just one book....and I tend to have favorite authors more so than favorite books....but, I'll try to keep my list short :)

First of all, the Bible is a given.  There is NO other book that transform, convict, and teach me the way that the Word of God can. No question.  That's not saying that I couldn't spend more time reading it, because I definitely could.  What better book to read than one that has been "God-breathed?!" (2 Timothy 3:16)

I also really enjoy reading books by Jodi Picoult.  I don't have a favorite that I can think of offhand, but I have read every book she has written and enjoyed all of them.  I think one of the reasons I enjoy them so much is because she always leaves me thinking.  And, even though I have read handfuls of her books, they never feel repetitive - they are always fresh and new.

My favorite Christian authors are Francince Rivers (Redeeming Love is A-MAY-ZING!!!) and Kristen Billerbeck (so funny and not cheesy like so many of the other christian novels I have read.). For a while I was really into reading all of the Karen Kingsbury series, but they started to all run together and honestly, I got a little bored with them...
Back in the day (meaning when I would check out books from our church library...I know that makes me sound ridiculously cool) I liked reading the books by Janette Oke (anyone else ever heard of her??)

I have some favorite books that Libbi and I like to read together, too.  We love Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes by Mem Fox (who is one of my favorite children's authors!!) and You Are My I Love You by Maryann Cusimano Love.  I could go on and on but I'll stop with those two. (Children's books are another one of my obsessions - I have shelves and boxes (yes, BOXES) full of them. I have so many that I don't even have places to store them!) 

Finally, this is still "cheating" but since I've already blown it with my list of authors instead of books - I'll go ahead and throw this out there ;0)
This is not a book, but it could be considered one.....I love a good People Magazine.  The pictures, the drama, the crossword it!  This is definitely one of my "go-to" reads!
Tomorrow's Topic: Favorite Quote (I'll give you a hint it's NOT "that's what she said....") hahahaha! ;0)
And if you don't watch The Office, then you have no idea what I'm talking about anyway - ha!