Thursday, August 5, 2010

first day of school...

Today was the first day of school....and I was at home with my baby.

Between K-12 grade, 4 years of college, and 4 years of teaching, this was the first time in 21 years that I have not had a "first day of school." It was a scary decision to make, but one that Jeffrey and I really felt was right for our family.  After much prayer, we felt that the Lord was leading me to stay home with Libbi this year instead of returning to teaching. To be honest, I thought that I might feel a little nostalgic on the first day of school, but really all I felt was Thankful.   

Thankful that Libbi got to sleep until she was ready to wake up, instead of being wakened too early because we needed to rush out the door.
Thankful that I got to make Libbi's breakfast and eat with her, instead of packing it up to send to school.
Thankful to be lugging her in and out of the triple digit heat while running errands, instead of breaking a sweat while running in to visit her during my planning period.
Thankful when she decided she didn't want to nap at 12:30 like usual that I could just let her run around for another hour in only her diaper, instead of trying to stick to her schedule (and staying fully clothed - ha!)
Thankful that after she finally decided to nap, I had two loads of laundry to finish, instead of papers to grade and emails to send.
Thankful that I got to get her when she woke up from her nap, instead of just picking her up at the end of the school day.
Thankful that she sat in my lap and I read the same book to her over, and over, and over :) instead of reading a book to a class full of students.
Thankful that I got to spend the entire day with her, instead of just a few hours before bedtime.


Thankful that we don't have all the answers, but we know THE ONE who does.
Thankful that when we are in need, our God will provide.

I'm Thankful that today was the first day of school....and I was at home with my baby.

"That my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever." Psalm 30:12