On Sunday we went to a Graduation Party for my cousin Mallory aka Mi-Mi aka Mal-Mal. Don't ask me why, but everyone in our family has a nickname and it may or may not have anything to do with your actual name. I don't know how most of them started, but we have called each other by these names since we were teeny tiny. :) For example, here are a few that actually make "sense":
Mallory - Mal-Mal
Amy (me) - AmyBeth....(for Amy Elizabeth)
Jenny - Jen-Jen
Stephanie - Stephie
And here are a few that have no rhyme or reason (that I know of...):
Missie - Missie-Bee (don't know where the "B" came from...there is no "B" anywhere in her entire name)
Jeremie - J-Bo
Jessica - J-Goo
Justin - JT (again, I have no idea where the "T" comes into play because his initials are JWJ)
Keep in mind that we are all grown adults, many of the cousins are married and some of us even have kids of our own, but we still call each other by our childhood nicknames. :)
Mal-Mal graduated from college recently and we all gathered at MawMaw and Grandad's house to celebrate her momentous achievement, with what else, but good food and lots of fun!!
I always love when the fam gets together - there's never a shortage of laughs, that's for sure.
The party was great and consisted of what any good party should:
festive decor and cake :)
more cake
musical entertainment (obviously Buddy is a piano prodigy....notice his finger placement - ha!)
grandbaby/grandparent lovin' (Libbi is still a little leery of the "new baby" :) )
proud parents
a sleepy baby
and a handsome man represent'n in his Valdosta State shirt while getting kisses from not one, but two pretty ladies....yep. we sure do know how to par-tay! ;0)
Congrats Mal-Mal.....we love you and we are SO proud of you.
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."
And that last picture also serves as my blog journal post #11 - a recent picture of me. not the best, but seriously the ONLY one I had! :/

I'm a day behind, but I will post day's 12 & 13 tomorrow to catch up!