Friday, September 17, 2010

the two best friends that anyone could have....

***Don't forget to enter the Doodle Bugs Paper Giveaway***  

Libbi and I got to spend some time with cousin Blakeley the other day while her momma had an appointment....
The first hour and half was easy as pie.  Libbi was still napping so I got to hold Blakeley and just love all over her without anyone trying to push her out of my lap or trying to squeeze themselves in between us. ;0)
Libbi has slowly but surely been warming up to "babies."   She likes them from afar, but she is still a little hesitant if someone is holding them (especially if that "someone" happens to be ME!) But, we're at the point where she doesn't have a complete meltdown, throw herself on the floor, and try to push the baby out of my I consider that major progress. :)
When she woke up from her nap, she was none to pleased to find a real, live baby playing on HER play mat.  
But, once she saw that this baby had a paci within reach (and could do nothing to stop her from grabbing it) she quickly became her BFF.
Once the pacifier was out of reach from her sticky little fingers, she was too busy texting and making phone calls to care what Blakeley was up know, since she's a big toddler and all. :)
But, lo and behold.....I liked to died when I saw her walk over to Blakeley and
Y'all....Libbi doesn't give her phone to anyone.  Seriously.  Not me.  Not her daddy.  NO ONE! 
From then on....they were practically attached at the hip.....
At least until Libbi realized Blakeley's car seat was unoccupied.  She found it to make an excellent recliner while she watched a little Elmo.
She also really loved the fact that the Bouncy Seat made a reappearance.
I can't wait until these girls can actually "play" together - they'll just be the two best friends that anyone could have!! ;0)