Monday, September 6, 2010

weekend outdoors....

this weekend we spent a lot of time outdoors.....what a shocker!  it seems like libbi is FINALLY beginning to get over her disgust/hate/fear of grass - thank goodness, because the grass doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon.

friday afternoon we went to the park to play for a little bit. it was SO nice out and libbi LOVED swinging.  she had the best time.  she ran all around the playground and wanted to try out everything!  poor jeffrey got a serious workout.  i just sat on the sidelines and took a *few* photos.  he would push her in a swing for a while, then she'd want to get out and go try the swing next to hers and the one next to that, and the one next to that - ha! i guess our indecisive nature starts young.

and yes, we did wear our uga spiritwear in honor of "wear your college colors" day.

by the end of our time there she was still wanting to swing, but was basically like a sweaty, limp noodle.  she just melted into this swing. haha!

saturday morning (all decked out in our red and black again) we headed up to the farmer's market.  we laughed and said this was the extent of our "tailgating" this year :)

we were looking for some fresh 'maters to make sandwiches. we hit the jackpot.

and libbi thought that she had won the lottery, too!

she was in heaven!!  there weren't too many people there and it is such a big open area, so we just let her run around.  and run around she did.....

if for some reason we had to reign her back in (like when she tried to "borrow" other people's bikes, sippy cups, or blankets) she would act like we were dragging her away to her death.  she wanted NOTHING to do with having her hand held.

we took a quick family picture before heading home (you can tell by libbi's expression that she was THRILLED about being held for the picture) ;)

we watched the georgia game and napped.  jeffrey grilled out steaks and we all went to bed had been a long day!

and since we enjoyed our time at the park so much, we went back again on sunday for a repeat performance.  here is a picture of libbi before church - she was still feeling a little sleepy, but she looked so cute in her dress!

i am so thankful for the BEAUTIFUL weather and for the fun family times we had this weekend!