Tuesday, November 16, 2010

creativity(?) at it's finest....

Libbi seems to find many other uses for her toys other than their actual intended purpose.  Does anyone else's toddler do this?  I guess I should just be glad that she has an imaginative mind and some original ideas. :)

She loves (and I mean loves) getting in her doll stroller.  The only way she's allowed to do this is if she's sitting....but that doesn't mean she doesn't try her hardest to STAND in it when she thinks we're not looking....stinker. ;0) 
She desperately wants someone to push her while she's in the stroller, but that's where I draw the line (although I can't say the same for her Buddy....)
She likes to read the book, The Mitten by Jan Brett.  Her favorite part is when the mouse climbs up on the bear's nose and the bear sneezes (ah-ah-ah-CHOO!) and all of the animals fly out of the mitten.  She loves reenacting this scene in two different ways.  First of all, she is constantly sneezing (ah-ah-ah-CHOO!) and expects someone to say, "bless you" each and every time.  Nothing like encouraging our little hypochondriac. :) Secondly, if we're at home, she will gather as many of her dolls/animals as she can and then dramatically "sneeze" and throw them all up in the air (just like the animals flying out of the mitten).  Our little actress.
Libbi also enjoys putting things over her eyes.  I have no idea why this is fun to her (especially since she has received many a "boo-boo" from crashing into things) but she enjoys it nonetheless.  Her blindfolds of choice include her lovey or a hat.  If neither are convenient, she will just shut her eyes tight and wander around aimlessly until she bumps into something.  Here is a little video that Jeffrey took of our "blindfolded wonder"......
{small disclaimer (aka an excuse for the mess): in the effort of full disclosure (ha!) on this post, you can obviously see how "hard" Libbi plays throughout the day....our house is a never-ending playground no matter how many times we pick up during the waking hours.}