Monday, November 29, 2010

thanksgiving, long weekend, and recovery...

The past four days have been full of family, food, fun, and football.  We've either been really busy or really lazy - no in-betweens :)

Thursday morning we woke up early and had my parents and sister over for breakfast.  Jeffrey did most of the work....when it comes to breakfast, he is "Chef Jeff" ;0)  He even made homemade biscuits that were a pretty close match to Cracker Barrel's, in my opinion. :) 
notice the festive mixing bowl :)
We had a great time together and enjoyed catching up with my sister, aka Auntie Biotic.  She had many interesting stories to tell.....don't worry, I'll definitely share some of those later :)
Libbi loved being the center of attention and showed off every toy and trick known to man - let's hope that she learns how to share the spotlight within the next six months.....
After breakfast, we got ready to head to Jeffrey's mom's house.  Libbi took a really short nap, so I was a little worried about how her mood would be, but she was actually very pleasant the entire time (thank goodness!)  We had lots of delicious food and ate way too much.  I think Libbi ate more than I did.  Jeffrey fixed her a huge plate and we both commented on the fact that she would never eat all of it....but, apparently she was up for the challenge.  She enjoyed looking at their dogs....she wasn't quite ready to pet them, but she really liked watching them (I think she was also just really glad to be on the other side of a babygate for once).
Friday morning we woke up bright and early to "celebrate" Black Friday.  My mom met Libbi and me around 6:30am and we headed out to the mall.  It was kind of a disappointing trip.  There were not near as many sales as I had anticipated and the crowds were ridiculous.  Black Friday is a tradition with the women in my family.  Although, we didn't go shopping last year since my dad had just had his neck surgery and my mom stayed home to take care of him. So... this was my first Black Friday with a baby/stroller.  It's definitely a whole new world trying to maneuver through the crowds with a stroller.  People were not very accommodating.  We ended up buying breakfast, a cookie (to appease our miniature shopping companion), and a candle.  Definitely not your typical "Black Friday" purchases.  Oh well, there's always next year.
Saturday was a very lazy day.  We all stayed in our pajamas all day long.  Jeffrey brought some blankets downstairs and made a pallet for Libbi on the floor.  To the surprise of both of us, she actually laid down on it and relaxed for a little while.  She took turns putting herself to bed and then her babies/dogs/elmo to bed.  We ate leftovers and just vegged out all day.  It was a great day :)
Sunday, Libbi woke up around 6:15 and was ready to go.  We usually have to wake her up to get ready for church, so this was unusual.  We aren't used to getting ready for church while she is up and running.  Luckily, Elmo comes on at 7:00 so he helped us out and kept Libbi company for a while.  After church, we spent our Sunday doing laundry, watching football, and playing.  There were a few naps thrown in for good measure.  We had to do a bit of furniture rearranging, because our little monkey found herself a new "obstacle course."  She would climb from the ottoman, across the end table, and flip over the arm of the couch.  She is such a daredevil.  We have to keep a close eye on that little stinker. :)
Today has been a rainy, cold, dreary day.  Jeffrey went back to work after being off for five days.  We were a little sad to be on our own again and missed having him home here with us.  Libbi and I have stayed in all day.  They are repaving the road in front of our house, so our driveway was blocked for a good portion of the day.  Libbi watched through the window and said, "bye" at least 500 times as the trucks moved up and down the street.  
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were so thankful to be able to spend it with our families.  Our blessings are too many to count and we are grateful for all the Lord has done in our lives this year and the promise of what's to come.  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family, too!

**Thank you for all the sweet comments and emails about our exciting news!  I will do a pregnancy post sometime this week and try to answer all your questions** :)