Thursday, December 9, 2010

creme de la croup....

Libbi has the dreaded croup.  It sounds a lot worse than it is, but she is still beyond pitiful.
Of course we were just at the doctor two days ago for an ear infection and there were absolutely no signs of anything else lurking around.  The pediatrician even asked, "has she had a cough?" and I answered, "not a real one" ....I guess Libbi decided to show me what a real cough is made of.

When she went to bed last night, she was just a little congested, but nothing major.  Jeffrey came back from out of town (woo-hoo!) and we reconnected by listening to Libbi wheeze over the monitor.  She woke up around 9:30 and sounded terrible!  She was wheezing and gasping and had this horrible barking cough.  It scared me since she had not shown any signs of being sick when she went to bed just hours before.  I told Jeffrey we needed to take her to Urgent Care.  He suggested we call the after-hours line at our doctor's office first, but I felt sure they would just tell us to take her in.

We got dressed, loaded up our sick baby and arrived at the Urgent Care facility at find out they closed at 10:00. There was a man in the parking lot, and I debated on whether or not I should just roll down my window and ask for his "professional opinion" but then we decided he looked a little too sketchy to be a doctor....
I ended up calling the after-hours nurse line (thank you, Jeffrey for not saying, "I told you so") and after listening to Libbi breathe over the phone and determining that she wasn't "struggling" at that point, the nurse said she more than likely had croup. (or "croog" as Jeffrey thought it was called....which he happened to find out was actually an internet virus when he tried to google it - ha!)  The nurse gave us a few things to do at home until we could get to the doctor this morning.

By the time we got home, changed clothes, took some medicine, and steamed in the sauna bathroom for 20 minutes it was close to midnight.  We put Libbi to bed and prayed that she would at least get some sleep.....she was up again at 2:00.  I put her in the bed with us and she basically laid there and watched TV until she decided she was ready to get up around 4:00.  Bless Jeffrey's heart.  He's been out of town since Saturday and had just driven 5 hours back from Savannah.  He had no less than unpacked his car, before we were loading back up in my car. I know the last thing he wanted to do was drive to a (closed) urgent care, and be kept up all night long by a barking and crying daughter and a stressed out wife.  He was kind and patient and never complained.  He got Libbi anything she needed and would just try to comfort her (and me!) when he could. Our hero :)

We made it to the doctor this morning, and after two breathing treatments, an oxygen check, and a dose of prednisone, we were on our way.  The doctor said that although she sounds terrible, her oxygen level was good, so we just have to come back tomorrow morning for a re-check.  The rest of the day was spent doing a whole lotta nuthin' (including NO nap!!!!!) I've just loved on my girl and tried to make her feel better when I could.  It really makes me so thankful for Libbi's health.  I was worried sick all night over her.  I can't imagine what it must be like to have a child that is sick with something so much worse! I am so thankful and feel so blessed that we can go to the doctor, get some medicine, and head back home expecting to be as good as new in a few days.  I know there are so many families that don't have that same outcome.  I am saying an extra prayer for all those momma's with sick babies today! If you get a chance, head over to my friend Sarah's blog and read about her sweet babies...I know she would covet your prayers right now.

And, if you find yourself at our house and start feeling a little "feverish" I know someone who would be more than happy to take your temperature ;0)