Tuesday, January 11, 2011


We are inside again today due to the ice.  Most of the roads are shut down.  School is closed and many of them have already announced they will be closed tomorrow, too. The temperature has not been above freezing, so a nice sheet of ice has formed over the 5-6 inches of snow.  
Libbi is NOT a fan of the snow.  she's just a little too prissy - haha! :)
We took her out yesterday and she lasted for all of 10 minutes.  I think she cried for 8 out of the 10 minutes.  She was fine until she decided to actually touch the snow and then she had a complete melt-down (no pun intended).  
Here are a few more pics from yesterday before the tears started. Please excuse her "redneck" snow gear....we are not used to so much snow in Georgia so we had to make do with what we had around the house :)
"The breath of God produces ice, and the broad waters become frozen."
 Job 37:10