Wednesday, January 5, 2011


We've been busy cleaning up and resurfacing from all the Christmas clutter....I think I'm finally seeing the light.  It is always so depressing to take everything down.  It makes my house look so empty even though it looks exactly the way it did before Christmas.

On that note....I have immensely enjoyed spending my giftcards.....there is NOTHING like guilt free shopping! :)  We've been to a different Hobby Lobby every day this week.  One of my purchases was finally having our newborn photo collage of Libbi framed.  When I ordered it, I didn't really consider the size - I just picked out what I of course, I ordered a size that has to be custom framed.  And a year and a half later, I'm finally getting around to having it done. Oh well, I guess that gives me until 2013 to have Baby Tippins' framed and displayed :)
Libbi got some new shoes last week and she thinks she is hot stuff in them.  She struts around and dances, and I swear I've caught her doing kicks and lunges when she wears them.
One of my New Year's Resolutions is to memorize new scriptures by participating in SSMT over at the LPM blog...  Here is my scripture for this week: Psalm 65:11 "You crown the year with a bountiful harvest, even the hard pathways overflow with abundance."  Isn't it the perfect verse to "kick" off the New Year?!   ;)
When rearranging some things in our living room, I took down a big mirror that had been hanging and propped it up against the wall until I could get someone to carry it upstairs for me.  Libbi is going to be sorely disappointed when it's gone.  She has LOVED looking at herself, playing peekaboo with herself, and having dance-offs in front of it.  I will have to give it a good scrub before it finds it's next home, because it is now covered in kisses and tiny handprints. :)  She says her name, but it comes out like "Mi-Mi" so she has been having a grand old time with "Mi-Mi" today.  
I feel like all of a sudden I look really pregnant and that worries me, because I still have 19 weeks to go....

When I went for my ultrasound a few weeks ago, I thought I was just having the ultrasound and then going home.  I didn't know that I was seeing the doctor as well.  Had I known, I definitely would not have eaten that bowl of cocoa krispies before I left for my appointment.  Just like the time before when i had a high glucose count, it happened again.  luckily, i explained to my doctor my little breakfast snafu and she did't make me have another blood test - whew!  she did make me promise not to eat cocoa krispies before my next appointment, though. ;)

I have quite a few friends and blog friends that are having babies and have just found out or are just about to find out the gender.  It is hard not to be SO jealous!!  I would love to know if our baby is a boy or a girl, but I am trying my hardest to stay strong.  
Mostly, I just want to know for superficial reasons. :)  I want to have the name picked out, clothes bought (and monogrammed) and the nursery decorated.  We have a few names that we like, but nothing definite yet.  We mostly agree on boy names, but completely disagree on girl names.  I would really like to use an "L" name for a girl because I love alliteration and it would be fun to reuse some of our monogrammed things.  But, Jeffrey is not a fan of all the girl names that I like.  For some reason, I don't care as much about the boy name starting with "L" fact the two names that we have it narrowed down to do not begin with "L."
I have looked at a few nursery/bedding ideas, but I can't find anything that's gender neutral that I love.  Everything either looks too girly or too boyish.  I may just wait until after he/she is here and then buy what I want.  Especially since it will probably be at least 6 weeks or so before the baby is even sleeping in his/her we'll have a little bit of time.  We do/will have furniture, just not bedding and accessories.  Maybe that will give me a good excuse to get out of the house after the baby is born??
Finally, Libbi starts "school" on Friday!  They had an opening in a Mother's Day Out program at a church in our area (our church does not have preschool) so we signed Libbi up to start this week!  She will go on Mondays and Fridays from 9 - 12.  I'm excited for her and I know she'll have so much fun.  I'm a little nervous that we may get a few "rambunctious" daily reports, but for the most part, I'm sure she'll be sweet as pie!  
Hope you had a wonderful Wednesday!