Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter, etc....

Libbi had an egg hunt at school a few weeks ago.  I went to watch and have to admit that I was really pleasantly surprised!  She is our sweet girl, but at the same time I can't deny that she is a wild woman, so I was not really sure what to expect out of her at school.....
waiting patiently for the egg hunt to start (and yes, i added the "disguises" to her little friends ;))
When I showed up, she was totally shocked to see me there and kept staring at me and saying, "Momma....Bye-Bye!" (she definitely does not like me invading her space - ha! ).
I was so impressed (and proud!) that she listened to her teacher's and followed all the directions.  She knew just what to do and it really solidified the fact that we made the right decision to let her go to "school" this year.  We love her sweet teachers and are so thrilled that she will have them again next year in her two-year-old class! 
she sat herself at the head of the table.....that's my girl! :)
She is our little miss independent.  A few of the mom's (and her teacher) even commented on how "nice" it was that she just let me leave without even batting an, yeah....I guess.  It would be "nice" to be missed just a little. ;) 
Libbi's easter bag that she made at school
The next Monday, they had their "Easter Party" since school would not be in session on Good Friday.  I took a couple of pictures of Libbi in her little bunny dress before school.  I think it's the cutest little dress, but of course Jeffrey says she looks like a pilgrim with the big collar - ha!  I couldn't go to the party because I had a dr's appt, but she had a great time....and as much as I hate to admit it, I don't really think that she minded one little bit that I wasn't there. :)
Even though I haven't been feeling too great, we really wanted to go to church on Easter Sunday.  My doctor had told me that as long as I didn't do anything too strenuous or anything that would make my heart rate elevated then I could leave the house (and as long as I wasn't the one driving).  
this is one of the only ways we can get her to take a picture with us these days....
and there are a few of me and libbi,
but my face is incredibly swollen
and i am too vain to post them - ha!
Obviously, she doesn't know that sometimes staying indoors with an almost two-year-old can make my heart rate go up MUCH more than leaving the house to go to church- ha!  Especially when that certain almost-two-year-old is still detoxing from being spoiled by grandparents for the majority of a week. :)

We made it to church on Sunday morning and it was exhausting (for me) but I just sat down a lot and that seemed to help.  At one point, I asked Jeffrey if he thought it would be inappropriate for me to prop my feet up on the chair in front of me while the girl occupying it was standing.....he said, "yes" and gave me a look - ha! :) 

I was disappointed that we wouldn't be able to go to MawMaw's house for Easter lunch and be able to see all our family, but it just would have been too much for me to handle.  Church was enough to tire me out for the rest of the day.  

When we got home, Libbi got to go through her Easter Basket. (*confession: more than half of the items in it were things that we either A) already owned; B) gave her last year; or C) came from my leftover kindergarten stash - does that make me a bad mom or just incredibly cheap frugal?*)
so excited to see what the easter bunny brought, she can hardly stand it!

HEY!  this isn't my easter basket!

the official easter basket :)

she LOVES her some stickers...unless of course, they're wrapped in cellophane :)

she shuffled around in her bunny slippers "drinking" from her empty water bottle all morning....

my very own chocolate bunny?!?!
the "easter bunny" put this little chick ("duck" as libbi calls it) inside the cup to save some space in the easter basket, but she now thinks that it belongs in the cup and refuses to put it anywhere else :)

After the Easter Basket festivities (and a failed attempt at a nap...again with the whole "detoxing") Jeffrey hid some eggs outside for Libbi to find.  She has now figured out the the eggs have candy in them, so the "hunt" was slowed down a little since she kept trying to open each egg. She enjoyed it and loved calling out all the colors and running all over the place. She wasn't too into the "basket" idea, but would much rather try to hoard as many as possible in her arms.  I had to convince her to drop them in the basket (I think she was afraid that if she put them down, someone (me? Jeffrey? who knows?) might eat her candy!)

Even though we missed spending time with our family on Easter Sunday and it was not our "normal" holiday routine, it was nice to spend our last holiday as a family of three together at our house. And, most importantly, it was a nice reminder that it's not all about the egg hunts, the big lunches, or the festivities, it's about spending time celebrating our Risen Savior!

**side note.... if you have a chance, please say a little prayer for me and for Baby Tippins.  I go to the Maternal Fetal Specialist first thing in the morning and we are praying for a good report!...Thank you!!**