Tuesday, June 28, 2011

birthday bash....part one

Libbi's birthday celebration seemed to carry over throughout the week, so it seems only fitting that it should have at least a couple of posts devoted to it (plus, it was the only way not to bombard blogger with umpteen million pictures at once).  I think that Libbi thought this past week was pure bliss.  She basically had cake every single day (no wonder her nap/sleeping schedule was all out of whack!) between Blakeley's first birthday, my birthday, Libbi's birthday, and her Grandaddy's birthday - the week was full of celebrations....and lots and lots of CAKE! :)

This is our sweet girl on her last night night as a one year old!  
isn't it crazy how big she looks in her crib compared to when we brought her home from the hospital?!?!
When we brought her home from the hospital, I put her in the crib just so I could take a picture of her in there - it would still be many, many months before she actually slept in it.  Now she wallows and burrows around in there like it's her job and won't go to bed without all of her necessities (i.e - pa-pa, love-love, "ninnie' pillow" and "momma's pillow).  oh how times have changed :)

When she woke up on the morning of her birthday, I made her some minnie mouse pancakes (baby girl can put away some pancakes - seriously!) and then we discussed what she would like to do for the day.
Buddy stopped by to hand deliver Libbi's birthday card from him and Mimzy.  She was excited about seeing Buddy and getting her "happy birthday mail."
They shared a few laughs and some birthday hugs before Buddy had to go back to work.
Libbi had requested to go to the "maaaw" for her birthday, so we got dressed and headed out to the mall. :)
I honestly think Libbi loves going to the mall just as much as I do.  She loves to ride around in the stroller and people watch.  
We made sure to do all of her favorite things while we were there.....

We stopped by the carousel to watch the horses.  She enjoys riding them, but she also likes watching them from the sidelines just as much.

We visited her friends in Old Navy so they could wish her happy birthday
She ate a cookie (and we picked up her cake for later that night) 
We went into the Disney Store and she picked out some Minnie Mouse slippers, water bottle, and plate for some extra birthday treats.

 We had to make a stop by the family restroom so I could feed Laney.....Libbi enjoyed decorating for her birthday while I just closed my eyes and pretended she was hanging streamers.- sigh.
We ate Chick-fil-A for lunch while watching the horses....again. :)
She was so well behaved all morning - we had the best time and just laughed and enjoyed each other's company.  "Lay-Lay" was a great shopping partner, too....she was just along for the ride :)
When we got home, we took naps and then woke up to play and wait for Daddy to get home.
Libbi requested her favorite meal for dinner - chicken nachos with LOTS of queso!
After dinner, it was time for the main event.....CAKE!
She was so excited to hear us sing "happy birthday" and to eat her birthday cake!
After we ate cake (and hosed off the birthday girl) it was time for presents from Momma and Daddy!!
We got her a cute little bookbag that she can carry to church and on all her outings instead of taking a diaper bag (*tear*).  It will hold some diapers, a change of clothes, and a few other things that she will need, but she can carry it herself since she is a "big girl" now! 
She was excited to find out that there were some presents inside of the bag, too!
A minnie mouse fan (because she's ALWAYS complaining that "it's hot!") and a cell phone (like she doesn't have enough already!), some Minnie Mouse jammies, some new minnie/daisy cups, and some minnie sunglasses (or "eyes" as Libbi calls them).
Believe it or not - after all that...she still just wanted to roll around on Laney's playmat - ha!
We sang "happy birthday" to her one more time and then we put our big two year old girl to bed!  

Next up....Libbi's birthday party!!! :)