Monday, June 6, 2011


Libbi is VERY into birthdays right now.  She wants to sing "happy birthday" all.the time.
We sing happy birthday to everyone and their mother's brother.  Every time we finish singing, she pretends to blow out the candles.  I'm not really sure where this obsession came from....I think it started when she had her "pretend birthday" at school (since hers is during the summer) and they sang to her.  She LOVED it!  She wanted me to sing happy birthday to her all the time after that.  I found the video from her birthday last year when we sang to her and she "blew out" the candle on her cake.  I don't think she even realizes that the "baby" is her, but she sure does love to watch that video....over...and over...and over.... ;-)
It's a good thing she likes birthdays so much, because June is a very birthday heavy month for us!  We have lots of birthdays to celebrate this month so she'll have many opportunities to sing (and eat cake!) ;)

The month started off with Buddy's birthday.... and Libbi successfully sang and wished him a happy birthday (over the phone and via video), but she was a little disappointed that she didn't get to have cake with him (I don't really think she would care for German Chocolate cake anyway....)
Buddy is still a strapping young lad....lifting two 20+ pound girls at once - what a stud! ;)

We continued our birthday month marathon when we celebrated our friend Joey's birthday this past weekend.  It's amazing how much Libbi has changed from Joey's birthday party last year....
She LOVED hearing everyone sing - and of course the cupcakes with red icing :)
She somehow got the idea in her head that if she sings, "happy birthday to me!" then she is entitled to another cupcake.  I'm sure she would lose her voice before she decided to give up that gig.
The next birthday on our calendar is cousin Blakeley!!  We can't wait to celebrate her first birthday!  And, for the record, she is one of Libbi's favorite people to sing happy birthday to!  I have been hearing it over the baby monitor for days :)
After Blakeley, the birthday celebrations continue (hopefully!) with none other than Libbi's Momma herself!  I will celebrate the big 2-9 on 6/20 and just like Libbi, I'm hoping they'll be cake involved (or petit fours, *hint hint*)
The next birthday celebration is bittersweet, because our BABY will be turing TWO!!  I can't believe it!  Libbi will turn two on 6/22 and we'll be celebrating Minnie Mouse style....I'm sure there will be many more pictures to come :)
(in case you were wondering, I blacked out all the other info...) 
Not long after Libbi's birthday comes Auntie Mannie's - and for her birthday, we're hoping for cupcakes!
As you can see, we have a full month of family and friends to celebrate (and these are just a few of them - there are others that were left out of this post, but not left out of our singing sessions...believe me!) ;)
Here's to the month of June....full of friends, family, singing, and cake! (and of course, lots of icing!) ;-)