Y'all may remember that I posted a couple of weeks ago that Libbi and I were going to have "boot camp" where we got rid of the paci and started potty training all in the same week. At the time, you may have been secretly laughing at me - and that's okay, because I probably deserved it - ha! I've had some friends ask me and a few emails wondering how it's going, so I thought I would share. In one word, our "boot camp" was a big, fat, epic.....
Let's start with the potty training.....
I had the "3-day-training" ebook, at least 20 pairs of Big Girl P*anties (BGP), lots of cleaning supplies, and a whole lotta prayers and patience stocked up. It started out great! Libbi was all about her BGP and was just over the moon that she got to wear them with no diaper (since (at her insistence) she had previously been wearing them on top of her diaper). She "went" in the potty right away and I had the naive (dumb?) thought that, "maybe this won't be as hard as I thought".....hahahaha
Obviously, my pride needed to be put in check. Not long after, there was a puddle in our kitchen and Libbi was beside herself. I cleaned it up, consoled her, reviewed our game plan, and we went on our way with a dry pair of BGP. Three accidents (and only one hour) later, Libbi decided that she was utterly and completely freaked out by this liquid coming from her body and pooling around her. She was hysterical. She practically begged for a diaper. I didn't want to traumatize her any further, so I gave in and that was that. Until she decided she just wasn't going to go....at.all. And as you may remember, we ended up at the doctor for what I *thought* was a UTI, but it turned out it was just Libbi showing off her "holding" skills.....
Anyway, onto the second part of bootcamp...the paci. And again,

Libbi had not been sleeping or napping well, so I thought I might as well go ahead and get rid of the paci since it's not like it would interrupt our sleep - ha! We were down to only one paci ("pap-pa" as libbi calls it) and I took a deep breath and cut off the top. Libbi said it was broken and she needed to put it in the trash. Again, I had the crazy thought that "maybe this isn't as hard as I thought." And again, I was definitely knocked down a peg or two not long after. All morning long we talked about the "broke pap-pa" and how it was in the trash, she was a big girl, etc, etc, etc. She seemed fine with it and was really okay. When nap time rolled around, she asked for it, but I reminded her that she threw it in the trash and she went down without a fight.....or so I thought.
I could hear her over the baby monitor doing her usual one-woman-show. She talks, sings, chants, jumps, etc. She started out saying, "pap-pa broke. trash. yeah." Then it turned into "Da-da fix it." which brought on a few tears and a few "Momma fix it"'s followed by hysterical "Jesus fix it!" I felt bad for her, but I wasn't ready to give in.
She eventually quieted down and I began to think that she had gone to sleep. Then I heard, "No poo-poo. Nooooo" followed by "MOMMA!!!! I NEED WIPE!!!!!" and lots of tears. I jumped up and as soon as I rounded the corner to head upstairs, I got a whiff of what was more than likely happening in her room.....
Sure enough, she was covered. It was all over her hands, her crib, her sheets, etc. (mind you, her shorts and diaper were still on her body...) I was gagging, she was crying, and she kept telling me that she needed a wipe - ha! Needless to say, nap time didn't happen, but bath time did! Fortunately, I'm pretty sure it grossed her out just as much as it did me, so hopefully it won't happen again. She kept repeating, "So sorry Momma. No poo-poo."
When she started crying for her pap-pa, I just couldn't handle anymore stress that day, so we loaded up and went to Wal-Mart.
The paci's that she used had been discontinued, so I had to get another kind. It has a picture of a fairy on it, and Libbi calls it her "girl pap-pa." She keeps tabs on that "girl pap-pa" like it's her job. I think she may be afraid that it will mysteriously break or get thrown into the trash if she lets it out of her sight. Ya think we're having paci relapse? :)
I wonder if there's a 12 step program for paci addictions??? ;-)
I guess these were just Libbi's (not so subtle) ways of telling me that she wasn't ready. So what did we learn at "boot camp"???? We learned that perhaps when it comes to the paci and the potty, Libbi definitely knows how to work the system. ;-)
Oh well, we'll get there....I'm sure she won't be going to Kindergarten in diapers and with a paci....
at least I hope not! ;-)
at least I hope not! ;-)