Monday, June 7, 2010

making lists...

If making lists can be considered a hobby, then sign me up.  I love making helps me remember things and gives me such a sense of accomplishment when I can check things off of it.  I also love writing my lists on cute notepads with funny little sayings like, "I was never meant to work" or "My biggest fear is that it's not PMS, it's just my personality." And of course I use award-winning handwriting, D'Nealian is my middle name....after all, I am a former kindergarten teacher! :)  So, in honor of my love affair with is a list of random goodness (sprinkled with lots of pictures) on this first Monday in June....

*Libbi's Lovey is still missing :(  We retraced our steps at the mall, called every store we visited (twice!) and left our contact info at the Security Office, but no luck. I considered putting up MISSING posters around the mall, but thought that might be taking it a little too far.... Libbi seems to be handling it fact, almost better than I am - ha!  For some reason, that Lovey is just so sentimental to me...I bought it as soon as we decided on the name Libbi and it "saved" her place in her crib for her until she came home from the hospital.  It just warmed my heart every time I saw her snuggling up with her Lovey.  We got it from Restoration Hardware, but unfortunately they no longer make it!  My mom had the brilliant idea to call the company and ask if they could help us out....and they are searching their stores and outlets around the US and are supposed to call tomorrow to let us know if one has been located....
*BabyGate 2010 is upon us.  We have finally broken down (or I guess I should say, Libbi has broken us down) and we are on the hunt for a baby gate. (I'm not sure if there is a PC term for a baby gate...something like "child protective lattice restraint") Anyway,  Libbi is walking and climbing(!) on everything and it is just getting too hard to keep her out of a) the kitchen (mainly the girl's got quite the appetite) and b) the foyer....she loves to snoop around in there and has just recently discovered the stairs!!! :/ So for her safety and my sanity, it looks as though we are going to have to invest in a baby gate.  We looked at BRU last night, but they didn't have too many to choose from.  Jeffrey seems to think that PetSmart may have a better selection....I do not.  We have yet to decide on anything, so any and all suggestions are welcome :) 
*My dad is back from Indonesia!  He had a wonderful trip (from what I've heard so far) and is just trying to catch up on some sleep.  Thank you to everyone that prayed for him while he was gone.  At this point, all I know is that he rode a camel, tasted A LOT of weird foods (including brains!) and was able to share the Gospel with a young Muslim woman on the airplane.  I'm sure there are plenty more stories to tell, and I can't wait to hear them!  I think I may have to get a babysitter in order to hear all the details, because for some reason, whenever Libbi is around, she seems to steal all the attention :) So, night soon we'll let Mimzy babysit and we'll go on a dinner date so I can hear all about your trip! ;)
*I feel like Libbi has turned into such a little person lately.  It is fun to see how she is really starting to understand things and she is attempting to try them on her own.  She likes to brush her hair (100 strokes a la Marsha Brady - ha!) and she thinks it's fun to take off her shoes and attempt to put them back on.  She still throws out the stink face at everybody, but she is oh so sweet so it makes it up for it :)

*We went to a birthday party on Sunday for sweet Joey.  It was at a place called, "The Little Gym."   I was not really sure how Libbi would do, but she loved it!!  I thought that we may just be sitting and watching while all the "big kids", not so much.  I did lots of watching, but absolutely NO sitting.  Libbi was EVERYWHERE!   Sweet girl walked around like she owned the place. She was in hog heaven. She climbed, she played, she danced, she clapped, she laughed, and she walked....everywhere!    It was so much fun and a very memorable first-birthday-party-experience for Libbi.  Thanks Mary and Joey for inviting us!! :)
(this is the only picture I have of the two of us....sweet girl was just way toooo busy to have her picture made.  Please excuse the awful look on her I said, it's the only picture I have, so I'll take what I can get)
*We have some busy weekends coming up....including Father's Day, my birthday, Libbi's birthday (and I'm sure Jeffrey would like for me to add in, The US Open).  The final day of the US Open might as well be a holiday at our house....Last year we joked about it, because if Libbi would have been born two days earlier, my birthday, Father's Day, the final day of the US Open, and Libbi's birthday all would have been on the 20th!  Bless Jeffrey's heart!  Luckily, she was born on the 22nd so at least she has her own day.  I however get to share my birthday with all the dad's and Phil Mickelson. We bought her birthday gift last week, she was with us, but I have a feeling it will still be a surprise - ha! :) We've been working on our Father's Day project while Daddy has been at work....hopefully he'll like it.  I wonder if Jeffrey and Libbi have been working on my birthday present....hmmmmm????  ;0)
*You may have noticed that I got a little blog makeover...along with a new button if you want to "grab it" :)
Many thanks to the uber talented Leslie!  Check out her site if you are need of some design work on your blog....she's amazing!
*Libbi has finally mastered the sippy cup!  It's about time!!  Now, if she could just learn how to drink out of it without looking like she's knockin' back a cold one....
*Finally, DON'T FORGET.....The Matilda Jane Virtual Trunk Show ends on Wednesday.  Your order MUST be placed by DON'T want to miss out!  Check out this post for all the details.

Have a great Monday!!!

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn